Teaching Resources

Teaching and Learning Initiatives focuses on an array of topics and offers resources as well as ways to get involved. These topics include:

  • Teaching for Inclusivity and Diversity

Thinking about civility or why some students do not feel included or whose behavior discourages the participation of others? Do you have questions about the experiences of students of color in your class, transgendered students, or students with accessibility needs?

Sample Civility Syllabus Statements

Encouraging Civility Article

[Additional Resources Forthcoming]

  • Beyond the Gates

Thinking about community-based service learning or ways to work with practitioners, either local or at a distance? Learn about the VP initiative and Get started with Videoconferencing. Learn about the Community-Based Learning Program.

  • Active and Blended Learning

Thinking about flipping your classroom or finding ways to maximize in-class and out-of-class time? Want to better engage students in real time through discussion or by polling students throughout class? Getting Started with Clickers

Want to try one or two active learning techniques without changing your syllabus. Get started with active learning techniques to engage students and increase participation. Getting Started with Active Learning

  • Speaking, Arguing, and Writing

Thinking about ways to help students prepare better end-of-semester speeches, in-class debates, or organize sequenced writing assignments? Contact Amy Martin, Faculty Director of SAW or get started with these SAW resources.

  • First Year Seminars and Introductory Experiences

Thinking about ways to support students in their learning during first year seminars or introductory sequences? Contact Liz Markovits, Director of the First Year Seminar Program and stay tuned for additional forthcoming resources.

You can also view the Events page to find out about upcoming workshops, seminars, and retreats.

Because this project is supported by a recent AV Davis Grant, our development of resources is in-progress. If you want to find out more about who on campus has been involved in any of these endeavors or what resources we recommend, please contact Maureen Babineau, Program Coordinator, Teaching and Learning Initiatives, for more information.