The journey begins for the class of 2017

Where can a Mount Holyoke education lead? For the class of 2017, the answer is as diverse as industry-leading employers, world-changing nonprofits, ivy league institutions, and exploring interests through personal quests.

In what has become tradition, the Career Development Center (CDC) celebrates the first destinations and aspirations of each year’s graduating class with a “My Journey Begins” photo project. Students create signs highlighting their next steps after Mount Holyoke College. Their pictures are then taken with their signs and displayed in the CDC, Williston Memorial Library, and in a Facebook album.

Signs range from career-oriented—an engineer at YouTube—to the practical—finding an apartment. Some graduates will stay local to continue their education, while some will go abroad. Others are adopting pets or traveling the globe. But constant among all the photos are the smiles of soon-to-be-alumnae ready to take on the world.

Where will your journey begin? Learn more.