What is the Clery Act?

The Federal Campus Safety and Security ("Clery") Act was passed by Congress in 1990 and has undergone a series of amendments most recently in 2013 under the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

The Act requires colleges an universities receiving federal funding (financial aid) to publish crime and fire statistics, disclose safety policies, and provide notification to the community about incidents that pose a threat to members of our community.

Each Clery Act compliance violation or misrepresentation could result in $35,000 fines and the Department of Education could suspend any or all federal financial aid for the college. Additionally, audit reports are public record and can damage the college's reputation.

Important Note: This page was designed to help faculty and staff understand their responsibilities under the Clery Act only. This page does not cover Title IX responsibilities which may run concurrently or exist above and beyond those requirements. Please contact a Title IX Director or refer to resources they provide for information on those requirements.