Asian Studies Program Opportunities

"I found many great opportunities but none more influential than my time in Japan through the Associated Kyoto Program."

Academic focus: East Asian Studies major

Study Abroad: Associated Kyoto Program

The Asian Studies Program gave me a lot of great opportunities, but none was more influential than my time in Japan through AKP (Associated Kyoto Program). Being able to live abroad for a year, fully immersed in the language and culture, was incredible. At times challenging to be sure, but I learned a lot about myself and had great chances to experience some of what I was studying.

Classes like the History of Kyoto allowed me to explore the city and see first-hand what I had been writing about. I was also fortunate to have a supporting and open host family. To this day, my host mother and sister keep in contact. I may not have the chance to practice Japanese regularly anymore, but it's good to be able to connect.